This Crazy Ride We Call Life!!

So as the title suggests Life has been… well crazy and my blog/ outlet has been placed on the backburner for a few months as we made decisions, adjustments, and big moves.

In October 2021 we found out that we were pregnant, went home to confirm and check on said pregnancy all was well so we decided to travel for a few more months and get random little things paid off, once that was done and my belly grew to the point, I was going to the doctor more often we decided to go home and park it until our baby girl made her arrival!!

At first, we tried to buy a house but with the current state of the economy in the US and the lousy housing market we just weren’t finding anything we really liked, let alone loved enough to commit to it for x-amount of years. So, we made the decision to stay together as a family and continue our adventures on the road as a family of 4 plus our old gray doggo.

We looked at toy haulers and 5th wheels, traveling to all the RV stores all around our area, we looked online and did all the research and FINALLY after about 2 ½ months we upgraded our starter 35-foot travel trailer to a 40-foot 5th wheel with a bunkhouse!! So now Minion has his own room and LOVES it we have a bigger living room, kitchen, and bathroom. We moved our washer and dryer over to our new rig and even managed to get a TANKLESS water heater so we have unlimited hot water and I could not be more in love!! Plus with all the new space we have plenty of room for little sister and all the baby things for her!!

So, as the months go on and the closer, we get to sister’s arrival we look forward to traveling and exploring as a family of 4 and showing BOTH our kids the beauty this land has to offer and stayed tuned as I give you some tips and tricks for traveling across the country with a 4 year old, a newborn, and a doggo all while handling an invisible illness!! Nothing will stop us from reaching our dreams and my hope is to inspire YOU to go after what you want in life, no matter the obstacle in your way.


To Be Better


Tips to Finding Your Next Park