
Hello, I’m Kylie Beardsley thanks for coming to Beardsley Brain-Spasms! I’m going to get a little personal on here to hopefully help inspire others to go after their dreams no matter the obstacles in their way! I live with an invisible illness that has forced me to reevaluate my life and how I want my future to look. I haven’t always been sick, so it flipped my world upside down when my body started turning on me. When my collection of perfumes started making me dizzy or my favorite foods became dangerous, sometimes even, deadly. I’ve been dealing with it since 2015 and it slowly snowballed to a point… I lost myself.

I don’t look sick, and I do my damnedest not to let many see me sick. So, it makes it difficult for people to wrap their heads around the fact that I have a LONG list of things I can’t do, eat, or be around. It’s hella inconvenient… trust me I’ll be the very first one to tell you because I’ll be the one paying the price if I get exposed. My illness has MANY layers and comes with friends… Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome are their names and not too many people have heard them. There’s a community of us on Facebook and doctors are slowly learning more about the disease but 9 times out of 10 I must educate my doctor before they can treat me cause if they aren’t careful, they can very easily make me worse! I don’t often open up about this topic because I don’t want to come off as weak or sound like I’m whining or out searching for attention, but I’m also tired of feeling like I need to keep it a secret (my doctor actually prescribed speaking up & drawing lines). I’m tired of tiptoeing. I’m tired of explaining it over and over and over again just because I’m scared to just come right out with it and make it public knowledge that Yes, I have limitations, but I still want to have fun, still want to go after my dreams.

The Traveling lifestyle was something that all the pieces just all fell together! I was in need of new scenery, the lease on our rent house was up, we always daydreamed about it, we knew people that were doing it with their kids (so it was doable!) and we saw it as an opportunity to experience a different way of life and grow together as a family! It’s not always easy, sometimes it’s a down right pain in the ass, but it’s something not too many people get to do and offers a different way to travel and experience each place we visit! So, I’ll share the knowledge we have gained with this lifestyle and maybe inspire you to go out on your own adventures, go after the dream that scares you, or just simply give you a smile to carry through your day!

I can’t wait to start this next chapter and build my own business! A business that’s mine and allows me to be creative. Where I can make my own schedule and build it around my wants and needs! I love making people feel good and believe in themselves because I know how hard that struggle is and how crippling it can be! So, I’m standing up and shining bright ready to take on this new challenge. Ready to share my skills and grow a business with beautiful souls with beautiful families and give them the gift of memories that will last for years to come. Helping Mamas’ find a pause button on her little babies who grow faster than she can handle. Giving grandparents the gift of seeing their grandkids smiles every morning, no matter the distance between them! Making that hug last through a lifetime or that kiss that started it all. I want to give my clients a pause button so whenever they need that smile, that hug, that memory it’ll just be a frame away!


The Ew & Awes of Family Rv Life